The Business of Books: Meet Karla McCullum Author of: Lessons Learned From Dating

Please tell us about yourself.

I am a Certified Life Coach and a Veteran of the United States Army. I am the owner and founder of Full of Joy Life Coaching LLC, where I specialize in helping women discover their life purpose and start their own businesses (on the side) by helping them honor responsibilities while doing something for themselves. My most important job is being a mother to my beautiful teenage daughter. I love traveling and seeing the world.

Tell us about your book.

Lessons Learned from Dating is a nonfiction book that tells the stories of my different dating experiences during various stages of life. Each dating experience had a unique lesson, but I didn’t take the time to pause and heed the teachings. 

After a really painful relationship, I finally realized I needed to pause dating and reflect on myself. This led me to start the work to heal completely, practice self-discovery, and find peace and my life’s purpose. In my book, Lessons Learned from Dating, I reveal how I went from a place of hurt and pain to a healed place of receiving. 

What are the top three takeaways you would like your readers to walk away with?

1. Trust in God for your forever love/purpose partner.  His timing is always perfect 

2. It’s ok to be alone. Work on you while you wait 

3. Learn from your lessons and use them to grow and move into a place of receiving blessings. 

Who is your book for?

For women young and old. My prayer is that my stories will show others they aren’t alone. They will be like hey I’ve been through this and it will be ok. They let go of the pain and look to God for healing and peace. Or help a young woman who has just started dating see they don’t have to stick around and tolerate foolishness. That it is ok to be alone until God sends you your purpose partner/forever love.

What inspired you to write your book?

This book was the last step in my healing process and I also wanted to get my story out there to help others to heal from bad relationships.  To encourage them to love themselves more and most importantly wait on God.

Where can people find your book and support you?

What products/services do you want to offer alongside your book for promoting purposes?

For the first 25 to purchase the book on my website I’m offering one hour of coaching for free (value $150 per hour)

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