Kingdom Scribes Author Spotlight Michele Altman

Author of ‘Roots Of My Identity’

Kingdom Business Network & Beyond The Book Media had the pleasure to interview Michele Altman as our Kingdom Scribes featured Author. Michele recently published her first book “Roots Of My Identity”, and we got the chance to sit with her and ask a few questions about her new book, the writing and publishing process, and why she chose Beyond The Book Media to help her along the journey. Beyond The Book Media transforms faith-based business owners into becoming the AUTHORITY in their niche and Michele is the perfect example of what that looks like. Please find the full interview below.

BTBM: Please tell us about yourself.

Michele: I have always been a person who is passionate about helping others. Currently, I am the founder and director of Cornerstone of Grace, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to empower women and children to lift themselves out of life-challenging situations. 

I am also in a season of loving and liking me. I am grateful for growing in understanding of what it means to be a daughter of a King. I’m taking time to slow down, look at the many  ways I am blessed while praying for ways to bless others.

BTBM: Tell us about your book and who your book is for?

Michele: My book tells my story of growing up in Chicago, losing my mother at the age of 9, and the identity I was given by my circumstances.  It goes on to tell about my years of rebellion and madness that included drugs and prostitution and concludes with my new identity, found in Christ Jesus.  He has redeemed my life!  This book is for anyone who has experienced hardship or felt and/or been called broken. 

BTBM: What are the top three takeaways you would like your readers to walk away with?


  1. Remember to keep God in EVERYTHING you do
  1. I want them to know that no circumstances in their lives are too great for God and that He can take their “madness” or mess  and transform it into a testimony that will glorify Him and bless others.
  1. You are who God says you are: You are loved, chosen, and created on purpose for a God’s purpose

BTBM: What inspired you to write your book?

Michele: When I would share my story with others they would suggest I write a book. However, I had no plans to write a book. Writing the book was prompted by Holy Spirit.  

BTBM: Tell us a little bit about your writing process? Do you use a unique method? What did the beginning stages entail for you?

Michele: Praying for God’s help was vital. I asked Holy Spirit to take over and help me glorify God in the process of writing the book. I read entries from old journals to ignite memories from certain seasons of my life. 

I was also thankful for the blueprint given by BTBM. It was a detailed instructional map that guided me to complete my manuscript. Some of the suggestions included creating an outline, spitting on the page and joining the morning and evening writing sessions.

BTBM: In terms of publishing, what was that process like for you? And why did you choose BTBM?

Michele: Through God’s grace and favor I was able to purchase a publishing package that took all the stress of worrying about publishing steps. The BTBM team helped with editing, design, and multiple other steps. Having their prayers, support and encouragement was priceless. I didn’t choose BTBM, BTBM was chosen for me through the power of the Holy Spirit.

BTBM: What advice would you give to authors or even entrepreneurs wanting to start or those in the process of writing a book?

Michele: If you know God has placed on your heart to write a book, surrender and be obedient. Trust God and trust the process, because He who began a good work in you is faithful to complete it. If a book is part of your purpose, It shall be so! Jump and take a leap of faith. You won’t be in this process alone (Holy Spirit, BTBM team, your cohort)

BTBM: What products/services do you want to offer alongside your book for promoting purposes?

Michele: I offer T-shirts and affirmations cards.

BTBM: Where can people find your book and support you?

Michele: My book is available for purchase on Amazon or through my website 

BTBM: What is next for you and your brand? What can we look forward to in the coming months or years?

Michele: For the personal side of my brand I am looking forward to sharing my testimony of God’s goodness and redemption with people all over the earth. 

God is doing amazing things in my ministry, Cornerstone of Grace. I am trusting God for a micro-community for women and children that leads to independent living. 

I would also love to write another book telling the story of this ministry and the stories of redemption and change that has occurred in the lives of people connected with Cornerstone (families, volunteers, community, etc.). 

Whether personal or business brand I am excited to see how God continues to model me in His image, and enlarge the territory of myself and Cornerstone of Grace. However, I know all that will come to fruition is not by might nor by power, but by God’s Spirit and for His glory. 

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